34855 Petersen Road, Agua Dulce, CA 91350

TELEPHONE (661) 251-2365 FAX (661) 268-7680 PAGER (661) 286-8996

Rate card: January 2003

We take pride in offering rates that are among the best in the industry. We manage more than 40 locations that comprise more than 6,000 acres. No property is less than 40 acres. Prices vary depending on the property and the specific use of each production. Our minimum rates average $800 per day for preparation and our maximum rates average $5,000 for principal photography. Typically, working establishments are more expensive than other locations. We are open to the possibility of unique transactions.

We offer rates that are competitive with any other facility located within the 30-mile zone. We are willing to work with any size production, and maintain sensitivity to budget considerations, regardless of how many days you need to use a property. Please page William Fix at (661) 286-8996 for specific site rates and availability. Rates vary by property.

Special rates are available for filmmakers who are in the market to build sets, regardless of size, theme, or scale. The property is currently non-dedicated and multiple areas exist with clear horizons and unobstructed views.

A fee of $250-$350 per day, for a site-manager, is mandatory. The fee is determined based on the intensity of use. Typically, you are only required to have one site rep per day.

Construction: Bob Harris - pager (661) 515-3362

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